17 research outputs found

    Antimicrobial activities of ellagitannins against Clostridiales perfringens, Escherichia coli, Lactobacillus plantarum and Staphylococcus aureus

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    In this study, we tested the growth inhibition effect of 22 individual ellagitannins and of pentagalloylglucose on four bacterial species, i.e., Clostridiales perfringens, Escherichia coli, Lactobacillus plantarum and Staphylococcus aureus. All tested compounds showed antimicrobial effects against S. aureus, and almost all against E. coli and C. perfringens. For L. plantarum, no or very weak growth inhibition was detected. The level of inhibition was the greatest for S. aureus and the weakest for C. perfringens. For S. aureus, the molecular size or flexibility of ellagitannins did not show a clear relationship with their antimicrobial activity, even though rugosins E and D and pentagalloylglucose with four or five free galloyl groups had a stronger growth inhibition effect than the other ellagitannins with glucopyranose cores but with less free galloyl groups. Additionally, our results with S. aureus showed that the oligomeric linkage of ellagitannin might have an effect on its antimicrobial activity. For E. coli, the molecular size, but not the molecular flexibility, of ellagitannins seemed to be an important factor. For C. perfringens, both the molecular size and the flexibility of ellagitannin were important factors. In previous studies, corilagin was used as a model for ellagitannins, but our results showed that other ellagitannins are much more efficacious; therefore, the antimicrobial effects of ellagitannins could be more significant than previously thought

    Antimicrobial Activities of Ellagitannins against Clostridiales perfringens, Escherichia coli, Lactobacillus plantarum and Staphylococcus aureus

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    In this study, we tested the growth inhibition effect of 22 individual ellagitannins and of pentagalloylglucose on four bacterial species, i.e.,Clostridiales perfringens, Escherichia coli, Lactobacillus plantarumandStaphylococcus aureus. All tested compounds showed antimicrobial effects againstS. aureus, and almost all againstE. coliandC. perfringens. ForL. plantarum, no or very weak growth inhibition was detected. The level of inhibition was the greatest forS. aureusand the weakest forC. perfringens. ForS. aureus, the molecular size or flexibility of ellagitannins did not show a clear relationship with their antimicrobial activity, even though rugosins E and D and pentagalloylglucose with four or five free galloyl groups had a stronger growth inhibition effect than the other ellagitannins with glucopyranose cores but with less free galloyl groups. Additionally, our results withS. aureusshowed that the oligomeric linkage of ellagitannin might have an effect on its antimicrobial activity. ForE. coli, the molecular size, but not the molecular flexibility, of ellagitannins seemed to be an important factor. ForC. perfringens, both the molecular size and the flexibility of ellagitannin were important factors. In previous studies, corilagin was used as a model for ellagitannins, but our results showed that other ellagitannins are much more efficacious; therefore, the antimicrobial effects of ellagitannins could be more significant than previously thought

    NMR metabolomics and DNA sequencing of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus cultures treated with hydrolyzable tannins

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    Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus are globally among the most prominent bacterial strains associated with antibacterial resistance-caused deaths. Naturally occurring polyphenols, such as hydrolyzable tannins, have been shown to potently inhibit E. coli and S. aureus. The current study investigated the metabolome changes of E. coli and S. aureus cultures after treatments with different hydrolyzable tannins using an NMR metabolomics approach. Additionally, the effect of these tannin treatments influencing a more complex bacterial system was studied in a biomimetic setting with fecal samples inoculated into the growth medium. Metabolite concentration changes were observed in all three scenarios: E. coli, S. aureus, and fecal batch culture. The metabolome of E. coli was more altered by the tannin treatments than S. aureus when compared to control cultures. A dimeric hydrolyzable tannin, rugosin D, was found to be the most effective of the studied compounds in influencing bacterial metabolome changes and in inhibiting E. coli and S. aureus growth. It was also observed that the tannin structure should have both hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions to efficiently influence E. coli and S. aureus growth

    Alcohol-related traumatic brain injuries before and after the reduction of alcohol prices:observations from Oulu Province and Northern Ostrobothnia

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    Abstract Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an enormous health and economic problem. The proportion of alcohol involvement among subjects with TBI varies 34–51%. Acute alcohol intoxication increases the risk for head trauma compared with other parts of the body. Therefore, alcohol is a major, yet preventable risk factor for TBI. Alcohol taxes were reduced in 2004 and limits on tax-free imports from other EU countries were also removed. Within a year, total alcohol consumption increased by 10% in Finland. Alcohol-induced liver diseases and sudden deaths involving alcohol increased after the reduction. The effects of the reduction on the incidence and mortality of TBI were not known. Data on all TBI subjects admitted to Oulu University Hospital (1999, 2007) were gathered, as well as data on all fatal TBIs among the residents of Oulu Province (1999, 2006, and 2007). A cohort of subjects with head trauma admitted to Oulu University Hospital in 1999 was followed up until the end of 2009. Alcohol involvement was based on positive alcohol measurement or alcohol-related cause of death on death certificate or hospital chart notes made by health care providers. The incidence and mortality rates of moderate-to-severe TBI and alcohol involvement between the observation years were compared. Cumulative survival rates were calculated to demonstrate the effect of alcohol price reduction on the mortality of the head trauma cohort during a 10-year follow-up. The incidence of moderate-to-severe and fatal TBI was similar before and after the reduction of alcohol prices. After the reduction, the proportion of alcohol-related moderate-to-severe and fatal TBIs increased among middle-aged people, but decreased among young adults. The increase in TBIs among the middle-aged was mainly due to an increase in falls, whereas the decrease among young adults was due to a decreased number of suicides (particularly among young men). After the reduction of alcohol prices, harmful drinkers were significantly more likely to die than those who were not harmful drinkers. The overall incidence of moderate-to-severe and fatal TBIs did not increase after the reduction of alcohol prices, but the proportions of alcohol-related TBIs due to falls increased among middle-aged people. Our observations demonstrate that harmful drinkers and middle-aged people were the groups which suffered the most TBI-related harm after the reduction of alcohol prices.Tiivistelmä Traumaattiset aivovammat aiheuttavat mittavia terveydellisiä ja taloudellisia ongelmia. Alkoholin vaikutuksen alaisena on vammautumishetkellä 34–51 % aivovammapotilaista. Akuutti päihtymystila lisää riskiä saada pään alueen vamma verrattuna muihin vartalon osiin. Alkoholi on merkittävä ja estettävissä oleva aivovammojen riskitekijä. Vuonna 2004 toteutettiin merkittävä alkoholin veronalennus sekä poistettiin muista EU-maista tuotavien verottomien juomien rajoitukset. Alkoholin kulutus lisääntyi 10 % vuoden aikana. Alkoholin aiheuttamat maksasairaudet sekä äkkikuolemat lisääntyivät alkoholin veronalennuksen jälkeen. Vaikutuksia traumaattisten aivovammojen ilmaantuvuuteen ja kuolleisuuteen ei ole vielä tutkittu. Tiedot kerättiin Oulun yliopistollisessa sairaalassa hoidetuista aivovammapotilaista (1999 ja 2007) sekä Oulun läänin alueella aivovammoihin kuolleista (1999, 2006 ja 2007) vainajista. Vuonna 1999 pään vamman vuoksi Oulun yliopistollisessa sairaalassa käyneitä potilaita seurattiin vuoden 2009 loppuun saakka. Tiedot alkoholin käytöstä perustuivat positiiviseen mitattuun alkoholipitoisuuteen sekä asiakirjamerkintöihin alkoholin käytöstä. Lievää vaikeampien traumaattisten aivovammojen ilmaantuvuutta, kuolleisuutta sekä alkoholiin liittyvien tapausten osuutta verrattiin tutkimusvuosien välillä. Vuonna 1999 päätään loukanneiden pitkäaikaisseurannassa tutkittiin alkoholin veronalennuksen vaikutusta kuolleisuuteen. Lievää vaikeampien aivovammojen ilmaantuvuus sekä aivovammakuolleisuus pysyivät samansuuruisina ennen ja jälkeen alkoholin veronalennuksen. Veronalennuksen jälkeen alkoholiin liittyvien aivovammojen osuus lisääntyi keski-ikäisillä mutta väheni nuorilla. Keski-ikäisillä havaittu alkoholi liitännäisten aivovammojen lisääntyminen johtui pääasiallisesti siitä että kaatumisvammoja tapahtui enemmän, kun taas nuorten kohdalla havaittu väheneminen johtui itsemurhien vähenemisestä. Alkoholin veronalennuksen jälkeen alkoholia haitallisesti käyttävien kuolleisuus lisääntyi merkittävästi verrattuna niihin, jotka eivät käyttäneet alkoholia haitallisesti. Lievää vaikeampien aivovammojen ilmaantuvuus sekä kuolleisuus eivät lisääntynyt alkoholin veronalennuksen jälkeen, mutta keski-ikäisten alkoholiin liittyvät kaatumistapaukset lisääntyivät. Havainnot osoittavat, että erityisesti haitallisesti alkoholia käyttävillä sekä keski-ikäisillä oli suurempi riski saada aivovammoihin liittyviä ongelmia veronalennuksen jälkeen

    Data on synthesis of methylene bisphosphonates and screening of their inhibitory activity towards HIV reverse transcriptase

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    AbstractInorganic pyrophosphate (PPi) mimetics designed on a basis of methylenediphosphonic acid backbone are promising inhibitors of two key HIV replication enzymes, IN [1] and RT [2]. Herein, we present chemical synthesis of eleven methylenebisphosphonates (BPs) with their NMR and HRMS analysis synthesized via five different ways. Also, we present data on inhibition of HIV RT catalyzed phosphorolysis and polymerization by synthesized BPs using two methods based on denaturing urea PAGE. Tests were also performed for thymidine analogue mutations reverse transcriptase (TAM RT), which was expressed and purified for that. Structure–activity relationships and inhibitory activity data of synthesized BPs are presented in “Methylene bisphosphonates as the inhibitors of HIV RT phosphorolytic activity” [2]